An update from the Interim Executive Director.
Restoration Gateway started as a calling from God. God desired to restore the people of war-torn Northern Uganda back to relationship with the Father. The mission of RG was to share the love of God, by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples. God was very specific in His vision of how RG was to accomplish this. He spoke of a hospital, dental center, orphan homes, a school, a farm, a mission’s training center, a conference center, and a resort. These projects or ministries were to be the means by which the mission would be accomplished.
Since RG’s inception in 2005, we have faced many obstacles and challenges along the way. However, those challenges paled in comparison to the trial that RG faced this past year. The Bible encourages us that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” It also promises that “He who began a good work (in you) will be faithful to complete it.” We believe that God is the one who started the work here in Northern Uganda, and that He is faithful. He has not abandoned or forsaken His desire to use RG to bring forth restoration, and is currently working all of this chaos together for His good.
I believe that God has ordained this time for Restoration Gateway to examine our heart and motives. Throughout the conflict of the past year, RG has further lost sight of its mission. In many ways, the vision has become the end instead of the means to the end. I believe that God has allowed this pain in order to awaken RG and stir it back to its true purpose and mission. To realign our heart with the heart of the Father and reset our foundation upon the call to love God, love His people, and to make disciples. God’s desire for restoration begins with the heart. When the hearts of the staff and children at RG are restored spiritually, then restoration will begin to break forth in all other areas of society. We will see a complete restoration of relationships; families; physical, emotional, and mental health; villages; communities; governments; and ultimately nations.
God has made clear His call for repentance. Repentance simply means to change the way we think. He is calling RG to change the way we think about our structure, operations, values, policies, and procedures. To lay down selfish desires and motivations and realign our values with His.
This is not to say that God has not done many amazing and wonderful things at and through RG over the years, He most definitely has. I am simply reiterating God’s call to return to our true mission of restoring a people back to relationship with the Father.
I believe that God’s desire is and always has been for RG to become self-sufficient. That one day, RG would be able to operate completely independent of foreign donations. Much like the children of Israel leaving the comfort and restrictions of Egypt and possessing the promised land, God is calling RG away from its total dependence upon charity and into the land flowing with milk and honey. I have heard God say multiple times that the provision we are looking for is in the land itself. RG sits on 700 prime acres of land adjacent to the Nile River. God is speaking that it is time to transition from dependence to independence. From simply importing finances and resources to becoming an export center.
God’s desire to bless RG is so that RG can become a blessing. He desires to multiply what He is doing at RG through RG for the sake of all of Northern Uganda. RG has not been called to restore people back to the village, but rather to restore people back to the Father for the restoration of the village. We are called to empower, train, and equip those God would bring to us to be the bearers and carriers of restoration wherever they would go. In order to do this, we must get serious about discipling. The gospel is more than just getting a ticket to heaven one day. It is a complete and total restoration of the relationship Adam had with God when he walked in the Garden.