
Our Why

Restoration Gateway exists to physically and spiritually restore a Ugandan led, sustainable community that fosters a love for God and others through an orphanage, schools, hospital, dental center, agricultural center and outreaches.

Our Beginning

As an answer to the prayer of seven Ugandan men, God called Dr. Tim and Janice McCall in 2005 to war torn Northern Uganda and tasked Tim with a vision for its spiritual and physical restoration. In faith, Tim journeyed from Waco, Texas, to the front lines of the war near Gulu, Uganda. Through God’s miraculous provision, 750 acres of raw land along the Nile River was purchased where Restoration Gateway would begin in 2007.

Our Expansion

200+ orphan children call RG home and are being educated through the Oaks of Righteousness Christian School at RG. The RG Hospital and Dental Center are well equipped to care for the medical needs for all in the surrounding communities. The Agricultural Center grows 80% of the food needed for the children and staff at RG. Over 150 Ugandan men and women are on full time staff at RG. The full vision for RG includes the completion of a Bible Mission Training School, a first class Resort along the Nile River and a Conference Center.

Our Today

Growth has come quickly for Restoration Gateway, and while rapid growth is exciting it comes with challenges. RG strives to empower Ugandan leadership while instilling a culture of accountability and overall organizational health. Through the grace of God, the partnership of the Ugandan Board, generous donors, and committed intercessors, Restoration Gateway is beginning to see Ugandan leaders assume the responsibility of carrying out the vision and daily operations of the organization.

Currently, we are focused on identifying and pursuing specific goals for the hospital and school while also looking ahead toward the completion of the final phases of the vision.

Our Future

Our goal is for Restoration Gateway to be a 100% self-sustainable and thriving community filled with hopeful, self-empowered, outward focused, Christ filled people who will impact greater Uganda for eternity.

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