restoration gateway

restore hope

Restoration Gateway (RG) exists to join Christ in restoring hope and healing among the vulnerable children and people of Northern Uganda. Situated on 700 acres of land overlooking the Nile River, RG’s vision is to develop a holistic, reproducible community through orphan care, healthcare, empowerment, and ministry to the church.

Restoring Hope, Healing, and love

In 2004, 7 Ugandan men began meeting and praying under a tree for God to bring restoration to their land that had been devastated by years of war and terror wrought by Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army.
Today, that tree still stands at Restoration Gateway as a testimony of God’s love for His people and His willingness to incline His ear to their cry and restore their land.


The Mission

Our mission is to bring restoration.  To restore a people back to the Father by sharing the love of God and the Good News of Jesus Christ.


The Vision

To accomplish our mission, Restoration Gateway provides homes, medical care, education, and training.


How You Can Help

Consider partnering with us and investing in the work of God.  Together we can pursue His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.



Most Restoration Gateway children are true orphans, meaning they have lost both parents. Others have been deemed at risk due to their family’s inability to care for them.

Hope is restored when a child learns that someone in this world has taken notice of them.

You can bring hope to a child by sponsoring today. 

Get Involved

Restoration Gateway’s success is the fruit of God’s people hearing His call and getting involved.  Consider how you can be a part of God’s work in bringing restoration to the people and children of Uganda.


Restoration Gateway was birthed through and is sustained by prayer. Pray that God will continue to reveal His heart and passion for His purposes. Pray that many will hear the Gospel and be restored back to relationship with the Father.


Invest in the future of Restoration Gateway's vision. Your investment will allow us to establish projects that create ongoing revenue streams that will enable RG to ultimately become self-sustaining and a blessing beyond our local community.


While we strive to become self-sustaining, sponsors have historically been the backbone of financing God's kingdom work at RG. We currently have many opportunities to sponsor orphans, students, and employees.

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restore joy

For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Romans 14:17

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